Billing (1)
Billing Procedure and etc.
Directadmin Administration (1)
Information on how to manage your hosting through directadmin
DNS (3)
E-mail (21)
Tips and Trick For E-Mail Administration
General (3)
Security (5)
Website (1)
Error 500
Email Forwarding
Step : 1. Login to your cPanel, and click on “Forwarders “. 2. You will be redirected...
Sharing Calendar between users
The Horde Webmail Calendar has the ability to share your calendar between users among your...
Microsoft Outlook Keep Asking Password
First of all make sure your account is active. Consult with our billing deparment for the account...
Create Auto Responder Email
Let say if you aren't able to get your email for some vacation/leave or etc. You could let the...
Changing DNS Server for your PC's Internet Connection
Please follow the steps below to switch to alternative DNS servers for your PC's internet...